
A Good Attorney Is Very Important after a Car Accident

Injured By Your Healthcare Provider? 4 Steps To Take If You Suspect Medical Malpractice

When you go to your doctor for medical care, you expect everything to go according to plan. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen. Medical malpractice appears to be a growing trend, with women representing the biggest risk for malpractice. Statistics show that women file about 60% of all medical malpractice cases. If you're the victim of medical malpractice, you need to act fast. Here are four steps you should take to protect your rights.

Gather Your Documentation

If you've suffered injuries from medical malpractice, you need to begin gathering your documentation as soon as possible. Request copies of all your medical records, including those from doctors, hospitals, and any labs you've been to. The proper documentation will allow you to follow the trail through your treatment, right up to the point where the malpractice occurred. If the malpractice resulted in the need for additional medical care from other doctors—to repair the damage—you'll need those medical records, as well.

Keep a Journal

As soon as you realize that you've been the victim of medical malpractice, you should start keeping a journal. Write down your experiences with the malpractice, including any pain you're suffering from, or how it's affected your life. You should also document how it's affected your family.

Request a Formal Investigation

If you've been the victim of medical malpractice, you should request a formal investigation. This is particularly important if the malpractice occurred at a hospital. A formal investigation will ensure that hospital officials are aware of the situation and that they take the steps to determine the cause of your injuries. Requesting a formal investigation will also provide you with a timeline, should you need to file a lawsuit to recover compensation for your injuries.

Contact an Attorney

If you've suffered from medical malpractice, you need to contact an attorney at a law firm like R.J. Marzella & Associates, P.C. as soon as possible. Don't try to negotiate with your healthcare provider on your own. They'll have a team of attorneys working to protect them. You need to make sure that you have the same legal protection. When you sit down with your attorney, be sure to bring your medical reports and injury journals with you.

Don't live with the pain of medical malpractice. If you've received substandard care from your healthcare provider and that care lead to injuries, you need to sit down with an attorney near you. They'll be able to help you recover from your injuries. 

About Me

A Good Attorney Is Very Important after a Car Accident

My friends joke around and call my car a "magnet" because it has been hit by other drivers on the road so many times. I have been in three auto accidents in just the past several years, and while I am a great driver, I have learned that other people in my city are not. While I consider myself lucky due to the fact that I am still in good health after being in so many accidents, I have learned a lot about them due to my bad luck attracting bad drivers. One thing I have learned a lot about is auto accident law and the importance of hiring an attorney after an accident. I want everyone to be aware of their rights after an accident, so I decided to create a blog to share my research and tips.