
A Good Attorney Is Very Important after a Car Accident

What Information You Need To Give Your Accident Lawyer

If you have been involved in an automobile accident and feel that the right thing to do is to seek legal action, you will need to hire one of the local accident lawyers. However, your new lawyer will need as much information from you as possible. The more you can provide them, the easier it will be for them to represent you in this case. Here is some of the information that you need to be able to give to your lawyer.

The Sequence Of Events

You might not yet know if there were any cameras nearby that would have caught the accident, so you want to replay the sequence of events while they are still fresh in your mind. The longer it is before you sit down to do this, the more likely it is that you might get one or more details accidentally wrong. Doing that could ruin the case your lawyer is building because the other side can try to use that error as some sort of evidence that you are not being truthful. Even if you have not yet retained an accident lawyer, so ahead and write down everything you can remember. You can have a family member help you write it all down if you are too injured to do it yourself. You can also do an audio recording and explain where you were, what you did, what the other driver did, and what happened after the impact.

A List Of Witnesses

Anyone that you had in your vehicle with you at the time of the accident can be a witness to what happened. Of course, if one of those witnesses were in the backseat, they may not be able to describe every moment because certain aspects of the road may not have been visible to them. They can discuss everything they saw, heard, and experienced from their position in the vehicle. If anyone that stopped to help when the accident occurred gave you their contact information, you will want to pass those details over to your accident lawyer. Your accident lawyer will want to get affidavits from everyone that was a witness to what happened.

When you sit down to speak with your lawyer for the first time, you can ask about what additional information they need in order to be able to properly work on your case. The more information they have, the better.

About Me

A Good Attorney Is Very Important after a Car Accident

My friends joke around and call my car a "magnet" because it has been hit by other drivers on the road so many times. I have been in three auto accidents in just the past several years, and while I am a great driver, I have learned that other people in my city are not. While I consider myself lucky due to the fact that I am still in good health after being in so many accidents, I have learned a lot about them due to my bad luck attracting bad drivers. One thing I have learned a lot about is auto accident law and the importance of hiring an attorney after an accident. I want everyone to be aware of their rights after an accident, so I decided to create a blog to share my research and tips.