
A Good Attorney Is Very Important after a Car Accident

Three Affirmative Defenses You May Come Up Against In Your Auto Accident Case

When the defendant responds to your lawsuit, in addition to disputing the facts, he or she may also include a variety of affirmative defenses in an effort to end the case quickly or gain an edge. The defenses will typically be the first thing the court addresses, so it's important to know how to respond if you want to avoid having your case dismissed. Here are three you may encounter and how to deal with them. Read More 

What Happens When A Defendant Doesn’t Pay? 3 Tips For Collecting A Lawsuit Judgment

Most of the time, collecting a lawsuit judgment after an auto accident injury is a matter of waiting for the insurance company to cut a check. But in some cases, your lawsuit may be against an individual driver, not the insurance company. And while writing checks to cover auto accident damages is just part of doing business for insurance companies, individual defendants can be less than cooperative about coming up with the money, even after being ordered to pay by a judge. Read More 

About Me

A Good Attorney Is Very Important after a Car Accident

My friends joke around and call my car a "magnet" because it has been hit by other drivers on the road so many times. I have been in three auto accidents in just the past several years, and while I am a great driver, I have learned that other people in my city are not. While I consider myself lucky due to the fact that I am still in good health after being in so many accidents, I have learned a lot about them due to my bad luck attracting bad drivers. One thing I have learned a lot about is auto accident law and the importance of hiring an attorney after an accident. I want everyone to be aware of their rights after an accident, so I decided to create a blog to share my research and tips.